• Meeting Schedule 

    All regular meetings start at 6 pm until further notice


    Important: Our in-person meetings are held in the classroom at A1 Vacuum and Sewing Center, 140 West Center Street, Kalispell, MT. We ask you to please park in the rear and use the back door.

    September 17 - Story Concert

    The next Flathead Story Concert presents inspiring stories from eight Tellers and Poets,including AofF members Heidi Wolf, Alan Solum, Mary Frances Erler, Glenn Schiffman, Keith Liggett and Craig T. Naylor. On Tuesday 9/17, join FSC curators Barb & Glenn Schiffman to hear true tales told live at Sacred Waters Brewing (3250 US2 East, Kalispell). Free admission but arrive early to get a seat up front. Folks seated in the back of the room sometimes have trouble hearing over the kitchen noise.

    Stories start at 6:00pm; doors open for seating at 5:30. Story themes = (a) Firsts and Lasts, or (b) All in the Family. Sponsors include Authors of the Flathead.

    For event details &/or guidelines to submit your stories for future FSCs, email Barb & Glenn at story23fvcc@gmail.com or visit https://FlatheadStoryConcerts.wootick.com


    September 19 - Open Readings

    You are invited to our Open Readings at 6 pm at A-1 Vacuum in downtown Kalispell - please park in the rear & use the back door.

    Plan to read up to 6 pages if there is a light crowd; otherwise, 2-3 pages, double-spaced with 1" margins.

    If you have a few pages, you'd like input on, make about 8-10 copies to pass out, and bring them along. Plan to read up to 6 pages if there is a light crowd, otherwise 2-3 pages, double-spaced with 1" margins. If you're shy about reading aloud your own prose, someone else would be glad to read for you.

    If you don't have anything to present, please come and share your enthusiasm & experience with the readers. We were all newbies at one time...

    October 3 - Kathy Dunnehoff


    Due to the Conference, Kathy will be speaking on October 24th and not the 3rd.

    October 24 - Kathy Dunnehoff

    In-person and Zoom


    Topic: This week will feature a Self-publishing Panel. The panel will consist of a line-up of self-published authors with a wide range of experiences, resources to share, and answers for your questions!


    Zoom access:



    Meeting ID: 422 105 0569
    Passcode: Authors