2025 Meeting Schedule
Every Thursday’s Meetings start at 6 pm
Important: Meetings are in-person or on Zoom or both. Our in-person meetings are held in the classroom at A1 Vacuum and Sewing Center, 140 West Center Street, Kalispell, MT. We ask you to please park in the rear and use the back door.
Schedule subject to change due to inclement weather. We will update this page.
nJanuary 9 – Kathy Dunnehoff/Meeting
In-person and Zoom
Topic: Authors of the Flathead – Write Your Way into a Productive First Quarter of 2025!
Description: Maybe you’re overwhelmed by the 12 months of writing ahead, but what about breaking it down and focusing on the first quarter? Bring your writing dreams for January through March, and we’ll turn them into achievable goals.
Updated the info. Please try now.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 422 105 0569
Passcode: Author
January 16 – Susan Purvis and Guest
Zoom meeting only 6pm to 8pm
Topic: THE VILLAIN’S JOURNEY by Debbie Burke
Description: Many writing craft books have been written about the Hero’s Journey. But what about the Villain’s Journey? When Debbie Burke recognized that gap on the writing reference shelf, she decided to write The Villain’s Journey–How To Create Memorable Villains Readers Love to Hate (to be published in summer 2025).
Join Debbie on Thursday, January 16, at 6 p.m. for an interactive zoom workshop to dig deep into the villain psyche. What drives them? Why do they lie, cheat, steal, or kill? How can you build a villain who fascinates readers?
Debbie has published nine books in the Tawny Lindholm Thriller series. She writes for The Kill Zone, a blog that ranks in the top 100 best websites for writers.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 435 515 4938
Passcode: authors
January 23 – Dixon with Open Readings
Your own prose aloud, someone else would gladly read for you. You are invited to our Open Readings at 6 pm at A-1 Vacuum in downtown Kalispell – please park in the rear & use the back door.
Plan to read up to 6 pages if there is a light crowd; otherwise, 2-3 pages, double-spaced with 1″ margins.
If you have a few pages, you’d like input on, make about 8-10 copies to pass out, and bring them along. Plan to read up to 6 pages if there is a light crowd, otherwise 2-3 pages, double-spaced with 1″ margins. If you’re shy about reading aloud your own prose, someone else would be glad to read for you.
If you don’t have anything to present, please come and share your enthusiasm & experience with the readers. We were all newbies at one time…
February 6 – Kathy Dunnehoff/Meeting
In-person and Zoom
Topic: Coming Soon
Description: Coming Soon
Join Zoom Meeting
Coming Soon
Meeting ID: 422 105 0569
Passcode: Authors
February 13 – Susan Purvis and Guest
Zoom meeting only 6pm to 8pm
Fire in Writing: Writing with searing authenticity.
Ken Wylie, Author, Speaker, Mountain Guide
Ken has been certified with the International Federation of Mountain Guide Associations (IFMGA) (R) and holds a BPE in Adventure Education. He is the author of Buried 2020 which metabolizes and makes meaning of his adventures to intentionally navigate through the difficulties and realities of a terrible mountain tragedy he participated in as an apprentice guide. He has held faculty positions at Thompson Rivers University and Mount Royal University in their respective outdoor programs.
Ken has used his mountain experience to become a human hazard management innovator. His organization Archetypal’s focus, is to help individuals gain awareness of how they are showing up to make critical decisions. His tools help in the recognition and encourage a shift from limiting human efforts that arise from shadow, to expansive actions made from a higher set of values that foster better outcomes.
Talk Themes
- Fire and friction
- The adventure in writing (Write about something you are terrified to share)
- Author Archetypes (Victim/Hero, Narcissist/ Caregiver)
- Consequences of safe writing? Question to the group
- Managing fear (fear as a reminder to be careful)
- Fiction and non-fiction
- Writing and Reading books: Arms-length versus Vulnerable Engagement. Can we see and own our failures by viewing the failures of the protagonist? Write for the person who can do this.
Book Link
Archetypal link
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 435 515 4938
Passcode: authors
February 20 – Dixon with Open Readings
Your own prose aloud, someone else would gladly read for you. You are invited to our Open Readings at 6 pm at A-1 Vacuum in downtown Kalispell – please park in the rear & use the back door.
Plan to read up to 6 pages if there is a light crowd; otherwise, 2-3 pages, double-spaced with 1″ margins.
If you have a few pages, you’d like input on, make about 8-10 copies to pass out, and bring them along. Plan to read up to 6 pages if there is a light crowd, otherwise 2-3 pages, double-spaced with 1″ margins. If you’re shy about reading aloud your own prose, someone else would be glad to read for you.
If you don’t have anything to present, please come and share your enthusiasm & experience with the readers. We were all newbies at one time…
March 6 – Kathy Dunnehoff/Meeting
In-person and Zoom
Topic: Coming Soon
Description: Coming Soon
Join Zoom Meeting
Coming Soon
Meeting ID: 422 105 0569
Passcode: Authors
March 13 – Susan Purvis and Guest
Zoom meeting only 6pm to 8pm
Laura Di Franco can help you get words on the page or help publish your stories. She make it easy for writers/healers like you to become published authors.
Laura Di Franco, CEO of Brave Healer Productions, specializes in publishing and business strategy for holistic health and wellness professionals. She has a 30-year background in holistic physical therapy, 14 years training in the martial arts, and has published over 50 Amazon bestselling books, including 10 of her own. She’s a spoken-word poet, lover of dark chocolate, and has a contagious passion for helping you share brave words that build your business.
Meeting ID: 435 515 4938
Passcode: authors
March 20 – Dixon with Open Readings
Your own prose aloud, someone else would gladly read for you. You are invited to our Open Readings at 6 pm at A-1 Vacuum in downtown Kalispell – please park in the rear & use the back door.
Plan to read up to 6 pages if there is a light crowd; otherwise, 2-3 pages, double-spaced with 1″ margins.
If you have a few pages, you’d like input on, make about 8-10 copies to pass out, and bring them along. Plan to read up to 6 pages if there is a light crowd, otherwise 2-3 pages, double-spaced with 1″ margins. If you’re shy about reading aloud your own prose, someone else would be glad to read for you.
If you don’t have anything to present, please come and share your enthusiasm & experience with the readers. We were all newbies at one time…